Hello, how can we help?

We’re proud to have a globally distributed and diverse team consisting of multiple nationalities and languages, so that no matter where you’re located, we have someone friendly nearby to chat to.
Rabat, Morocco
Kuortane, Finland
Budapest, Hungary
Boston, USA
Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland
London & Manchester, UK
Cape Town & Stellenbosch, SA
Detroit, USA
The time now is:
9:38am New York, USA
3:38pm London, UK
3:38pm Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland
Help & Support
Try our support desk for advice and answers to common questions. We’re continually updating and refining our answers, so please let us know if you can’t find what you’re looking for.
Visit the support desk
Email Support
Can’t find what you’re looking for on our support desk? We pride ourselves on our exceptional level of assistance and have a team near you waiting to help.
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Kindly note that GivenGain does not offer any form of financial support or funding to individuals or charities. Read more here.
Kindly note that GivenGain does not offer any form of financial support or funding to individuals or charities. Read more here.

Did you know?

GivenGain is a non-profit organisation.  Driven by purpose, not profit,
we’ve been helping individuals and charities raise funds since 2001.